The community for the female entrepreneur who wants to put more soul back into their business and take inspired actions to create a business that truly inspires their soul.

Tell Me More!

It is time to put the “life” into business and have the tools and resources to support you within so that you can build your business from a place of love, passion, and inspired creativity without stress, burnout and overwhelm.

Often in business, we are searching for the next “strategy” or “how to grow and scale”? But a lot of the time we need to STOP searching and ask ourselves “How do I serve myself first?” .

We are looking for the next best strategy, the next client, and the next income goal.

And while we all want to grow our business, the best growth can come from within and yet it’s often overlooked.

It’s time to change that!

There are already tons of programs out there that will teach you the how-tos, the strategies and all the ways to scale and grow your business.

And while that is great and is needed at a certain time in our business, it is not always the “key” to growth.

So just imagine a membership/mini-mastermind hybrid….

One that inspires you deep from within your soul and makes you see and be different when it comes to your business.

The Soul Inspired Entrepreneur Community is that kind of membership!

What The Soul Inspired Entrepreneur Community DOES focus on is...

Growing from within. Or as I like to say, the "life" side of the business.

→ We focus on real topics that are crucial but often pushed aside in our business like inspiration, mindset, self-care, boundaries and burnout.

→ We bring together like-minded women in a safe environment to share the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. There is no competition here.

 → We will challenge and celebrate you and help you to level up from within.

→ We are here to build on true relationships that make you feel seen and heard as a business owner and a person. We are the ones you who just “get” you.

→ We are here to eliminate the hustle, the burnout and the feeling that we aren’t good enough.

→ We carve our own path and do business our way. We define OUR own success!

→ We are here to help banish the people-pleasing tendencies (service providers, you know what I’m talking about) and learn to start filling our own cups first.

→ We help eliminate the isolation and loneliness that comes from working online and put the focus on community and support.


And together we inspire each other from a soul level.

What this membership DOES NOT focus on is...

business strategy, marketing, sales or how to grow and scale your business the "standard" way.

I'm Ready To Join!

Inside The Soul Inspired Entrepreneur Community, we focus on the following core pillars:

  • Inspiration
  • Mindset
  • Self-care
  • Boundaries
  • Burnout prevention/recovery
  • Community & Support 

These are the "soft skills" that make this membership different than the other business memberships out there.

In many businesses, Masculine energy (the doing) is put at the forefront because it is crucial for driving results and achieving goals, and the Feminine energy (the receving), which brings empathy, intuition, and creativity to the table, too often, gets pushed aside in business. 

It's time that we recognize the value of both energies and create a more balanced approach to our business. When we embrace both, we can create more compassionate, innovative, and successful organizations.

So while Masculine strategies are needed, so are the Feminine and we put a higher focus on that here inside The Soul Inspired Entrepreneur Community.

If you want...

✨ More ease and flow
✨ More balance in life and business
✨ More living life in harmony
✨ More rest and prioritizing you
✨ Less hustle and overworking
✨ More impact and inspiration
✨ More connections and support

Then The Soul Inspired Entrepreneur Community might just be for you!

Ready To Join!

While this membership focuses on; inspiration, mindset, self-care, boundaries, burnout prevention/recovery, community & support, at the end of the day, it is for the female entrepreneur. 

Business (and all its questions) WILL come up no matter what. And here in the membership, we will address business strategy, marketing, sales or how to grow and scale your business in a different way than maybe you are used to. 

We aren’t here to do things the “standard way”. 

We are here to find a different way. A way that works for YOU. A way that is sustainable for your business, your well-being and overall your lifestyle. 

It's time we put a little more soul back into our business and take some inspired actions to create a business that truly inspires your soul.

Here's What's All Included:

2x Community Circle Sessions/mth

Twice a month, I hold 2 community sessions for you to come and be seen, be heard, be held and be supported. In these sessions, you can receive support from myself and/or the group. We will be sharing the highs and lows of business (and life as they go hand and hand), sharing things you've been working through, or simply asking for what you need and being met with support.

1x Co-working Sessions/mth

Every month, we will host a co-working session. If you're looking for a little extra accountability and a chance to get some of your own work done (and not client work) these are perfect! Get shit done with your fellow bosses during some virtual co-working and step into having a few hours dedicated to you! 

 Slack Community 

This private, dedicated community is away from social media, so you can focus on getting the support you need without distractions. You will get ongoing day-to-day support, connect with other amazing like-minded women, and be inspired! Take time every week to connect with them, reach out, build friendships, support them, and allow them to support you. Community is everything and this is one of the most valuable parts of the membership.

Online Portal

An online portal that hosts all of the call replays (minus the coworking session), guest trainings plus additional training, video, worksheet etc that can be accessed 24/7.


Guest Sessions

Throughout the year we will have guests popping in to do trainings on our main pillars and beyond. We welcome guest sessions, whether they are guests from inside the community itself or guests from outside of the community.

Popup Events (hosted by host and/or members)

We love the idea of pop-up events! We will occasionally host a popup event throughout the year (think cooking & yoga classes, book clubs, meetups and beyond). The majority of these will be hosted online but we love the idea of hosting some in-person events too! Our members have so many interests and we provide a safe and fun space to explore them together, so we encourage our members to host events.

Ready To Join!

Who Am I?

Hey there, I’m Cindy!

I’m a wearer of many hats.

I’m a…

👉 CEO & Boss
👉 A Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur
👉 A Virtual Assistant
👉 A Mentor
👉 2x Business Owner
👉 An Idea Generator
👉 An Inspiration Seeker
👉 An INFP-T (Mediator) personality in Myers Briggs
👉 And in Human Design I’m a 4/6 Manifestor

And much much more! 

I’ve been doing this whole online business thing since 2019 and it’s been an incredible journey.

I’m passionate about business but even more… I’m passionate about supporting and inspiring others. 

Whether that is through supporting my clients in my virtual assistant business, hosting online community meetings or inspiring those in my world.

I know that deep in my soul I’m meant to make an impact on the lives of others.

Business is hard. No matter the stage you are at...

Many people talk about strategies, systems, and automation in business, while important, I've found that it isn't always what is needed.

I know that for me, I’ve needed self-care, boundaries, the right mindset, support, community, a sisterhood, motivation, and INSPIRATION and I’m guessing if you’ve gotten this far on the page, this calls to your soul too.

You could be given all the strategies but at the end of the day… having the right tools, resources, mindset, support and community is what your soul truly needs in business. 

If you’re needing…

💕A place to feel safe and yet vulnerable. 

💕A place to share the good, the bad and the ugly. 

💕A place to talk about self-care, mindset, boundaries and burnout in business. 

💕A place to be empowered and uplifted by other women  

💕And above all, a place where you can be ignited and inspired by other entrepreneurs 

Then come join us in The Soul Inspired Entrepreneur Community today!

Join The Soul Inspired Entrepreneur Community


$167 every 3 months

Save $25 compared to a monthly membership

  • Full access to the community & everything that is included
  • BONUS: Digital 90 Day Self Reflection Journal (valued at $11.00)
  • BONUS: 1x 1:1 Power Hour Session + 1 week Voxer support (valued at $100.00)


$64 per month

Recurring payment – cancel anytime

  • Full access to the community & everything that is included
  • BONUS: Digital 90 Day Self Reflection Journal (valued at $11.00)

"I love the community feel and chatting with other entrepreneurs who understand the space. My favourite part is that we don’t only talk about business, we talk about so much more and genuinely support each other! I love that! 

I get overwhelmed with work sometimes so sometimes getting on the calls allows me to pull back and take a break while enjoying conversation about so many different things!

If you’re looking for a community that lets you talk about not only business but personal stuff too, this is it! Everyone is so supportive and kind, just being able to connect, laugh, share ideas with everyone has been very refreshing! I highly recommend this community!"

- Kaiyla, Online Business Manager and Virtual Assistant 



Join us inside The Soul Inspired Entrepreneur Community today!

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